Friday, March 28, 2014

Planning for Employee Motivation

Flickr CC via Brockley Tim

Many employees go to work just to keep the bills paid, while others may love coming to work daily. For managers, this is information that we’re used to. There always will be people that don’t care much for their work, while others put in extra effort that isn’t necessary. There’s always an unpaid intern that works harder than paid staff, or the executive that works to the bone for nothing much in return. Putting effort into understanding what motivates your employees can be beneficial in the long run. Mainly, it will help you get the most out of the people that work for you.

As a manager, it’s not all about building motivation within an employee; it’s also important to build a motivating environment. Your business should cater to professionals, and have factors that make them enjoy working for your company. Make the atmosphere of the company Motivating employees for success requires enthusiasm and drive. An environment that promotes this is the key to retaining great employees.

Follow Ken Lear on Pinterest for more advice on business, leadership, and entrepreneurship.

Although it’s common to think that employees leave companies due to low morale or dissatisfaction with the work itself, most of the time it is their relationships with management. Through understanding how to motivate an employee and nurture their strengths, customer retention can be easy. Employees love coming to work and not having to stress about bad managers or leaders. Make an effort to create relationships that last with your employees; if you don’t, you can run the risk of losing your best employees.

It’s very important to let your team know that you value them. Whether in a casual conversation or a formal performance review, be sure to express positive feedback long with the constructive criticism. You never want to come across as a strict boss that only values hard work and success. Be the kind of manager that an employee feels comfortable talking to about anything, especially problems they have that might hinder their work ability. Good relationships with employees will ensure motivation.

A great way of motivating employees is aiding in developing their skills while still working. An employee wishes to grow and become a better professional, and providing training and advice is a big part of this. An employee will not be motivated to work for companies that they see as a dead end. With the appropriate support, employees can be motivated to be more knowledgeable and willing to put in the hard work.

Managers should be working toward motivating their employees on a regular basis. Even when we think that our employees are enjoying working for our company, they might be be hiding problems or their dissatisfaction. Developing deep relationships with employees while still creating a professional environment is key to motivating the work team. Keeping your employees motivated should always be a part of the daily work schedule.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

7 Signs You’re an Entrepreneur

Flickr via Conservative Party
Ken Lear is an expert on all things business, leadership, and entrepreneurship.

Choosing to be an entrepreneur isn’t a flashy career that kids will say they want to be when they grow up, but it can be the most rewarding one. People all over the world have yet to realize that being an entrepreneur is in their veins. To be an entrepreneur means taking some risk, but become successful will be worth the effort. These are seven signs that can tell you if you’re fit to be an entrepreneur.

You’re passionate about everything.

Entrepreneurs are zealous people by heart. No matter how small the task is, they still treat it like it’s a make or break. There will be times when failure seems imminent, but they never sweat the challenge. Being able to regain focus and find a game plan is what makes an entrepreneur tick. Entrepreneurs never give up on their dreams, and settling for less is just not an option.

You have a competitive spirit.

There’s no fun in the game of business without some competition. An entrepreneur never is willing to accept defeat. They will go out of their way to succeed, no matter how much work it takes, or the time allotted. Accepting defeat is just not part of an entrepreneur’s nature.

Communicating is a piece of cake for you.

Being able to communicate well is one of the best assets to have as an entrepreneur. There’s nothing better than being able to comfortably talk to others in a business setting, and lead the conversation. People skills are a great thing to have, and strong people skills can lead to success.

You see everything as an opportunity.

Anywhere you go, anywhere you see, and anywhere you do spells seeing new ways for business. Entrepreneurs may have weekends, but they still have business on their mind constantly. This could be a gift or a curse, but if used widely, an entrepreneur can gain an advantage in finding new business ventures.

You’re determined to succeed no matter what.

When starting out as an entrepreneur, you must be able to picture yourself reaching the top. The hunger to finally be able to muster success will be a driving force for your whole career. A determination to be the best will motivate you in ways you’ve never seen possible.

You fully understand the necessity of a solid team behind you.

Ask Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, or Warren Buffet, and they’ll tell you that there is no way they could have gotten where they are now without a little help. An entrepreneur is only as good as the team they build around them. Having loyal people to count on leads to being more comfortable with any challenge. Putting together the perfect team will give you new avenues to test your ideas, as well as a support system whenever things get rough.

You’re addicted to taking risks.

Entrepreneurs are never interested in the daily, boring desk job; they bring excitement through their lives through risk-taking.. The adventure never ends for any entrepreneur. They will tell you they’ve at least considered skydiving. The whole entrepreneur type of work energizes you, and the stress is never something to be worried about. Being an entrepreneur means taking a few risks, but the success that can be attained is worth it.

If all of these, or even just a few, ring true in your life, than entrepreneurship might just be right up your alley. Being able to start a business and manage it can sound daunting at first, but when thing start rolling, it will come natural. Being an entrepreneur is not just a career; it’s a way of life.

Looking for more advice on entrepreneurship, business, and leadership? Check out Ken Lear’s Website.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Staying Focused at Work

Flickr CC via EricReplied
If everyone could without getting distracted, jobs would be much easier. It happens to everyone: right before you’re ready to work, a new email comes that needs to be dealt with swiftly. As people continue to find news ways to connect with each other, more distractions at work are created. There’s so many time wasting habits that we don’t even notice. Here are a few tips to stay focused while in the office:

Have a Routine
There’s nothing wrong with a little of the same thing every day. The routine that you put together will give some framing to how a typical workday goes. When the workday isn’t mapped out and planned, it can be difficult to stay on a schedule. Create a routine that allows you to be more efficient and keep your responsible for getting tasks done. Soon enough, the routine will be integrated to make focusing on work a piece of cake. 

Start Early
Everyone loves getting their sleep, but the benefits of coming to the office early greatly outweigh waking up later. When you can start the workday immediately, you get a jump-start on emails, reading news, and that morning cup of joe. The greatest benefit of starting early is the feeling that time is on your side. More than often do we find ourselves in crunch mode to get a report done or make a meeting. Start early to ensure that you have time to get everything done. If waking up is a problem, try and go to bed as early as you can. Being refreshed for the day is just as important.

Practice Relaxation Techniques
There’s a ton of different problems that we all go through everyday. Taking some time, even a few minutes, to relax or meditate on your life can do wonders. Shut things down for a few seconds and reach deep down to bring yourself peace. Relaxation techniques are the perfect remedy for too much stress. When you feel out of focus or not able to get the right amount of work done, relaxing for a short time can go a long way. 

Avoid Procrastination
Waiting for the last minute might have been able to be pulled off back when you were in school, but in the professional world it spells nothing but trouble. A great procrastinator relines too heavily excuses. Don’t allow these things to let you just slip by and barely accomplish things. Clearing out the idea of using excuses will only make you stronger.

Stay Away from the Internet
More business is done online than ever before, but that doesn’t meet you need to check your Twitter feed every 5 minutes. Do your best to stay away from any social media or reading any blog articles that aren’t specific to your current work. With all the possibilities and information the Internet offers, it’s easy to get distracted quickly. If you truly want to stay focused, stay off the Internet and only use it sparingly.

To learn more about Ken Lear, check out his page on CrunchBase.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

What it Takes to Be a Leader

Flickr CC via Mays Business School

Ken Lear is an expert in leadership, business, and entrepreneurship. He is currently working on opening a new office in Detroit, MI.

A lack of leadership for any company of team can have serious consequences.  Taking the responsibility of leadership is a daunting task, but if you’re up for it can be very rewarding. People always want to have a leadership role in their life, and that is how the world works.

A Great Leader…

Values Trust

Being able to trust someone with a task or information is crucial to a leader. A leader can’t do everything by themselves: they need a support team that they can help guide. Those that the leader trusts end up finding success. Trust leads to better collaboration and motivation. There is some risk in putting trust in people that shouldn’t be trusted, but it’s a type of risk that can be managed to forge bond with others

Provides Empowerment
More empowered employees means better business. When you can empower an employee, they will feel more worth in the company to make important decisions. This will only lead to more productive. Building management from the ground up may take effort and time, but an employee that has cadence and responsibility will only help to make work easier for leaders. It’s true that a great leader helps to make others leaders as well.

Has a Vision
Great leaders never dwell on the current day; they are always looking ahead. Leaders have a dream that they want other people to share. Through their actions and goals, a leader can show a team the vision they want to accomplish. A great leader will set direction and inspire loyalty fro their team. Looking ahead will make the future much easier to handle

Appreciates Their Team
No matter how great your product is or service, its all going to come down to how strong your team is. Invest is your team; let hem know that you appreciate them and are proud of them. If they need help, always be there to provide it. Loyalty can get you many places in life, and with a loyal team that you are constantly in communication with, nothing can stand in your way.

Years to Learn
A leader should never act like they have reached the peak of their career. There will always be new tactics to learn for being a leader, and a leader should always be seeking to get better. Leaders can even learn a lot for their team.  Things change everyday within the business world, so there will always be opportunities to learn. Keeping an open mind and being ready to learn something new is key to being a great leader.

For more information and leadership advice, follow Ken Lear on Google+.