Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Using the Law of Attraction to Get What You Want

Ken Lear Law of Attraction
I’m Ken Lear, entrepreneur and leadership expert, and I have implemented the Law of Attraction throughout my professional career. Business is created through relationships. Utilizing the Law of Attraction can bring new connections that can turn into success. By focusing on positive thoughts, we can bring positivity to our lives. The same can be used for negativity; it comes when we tend to think negatively.  By implementing the Law of Attraction into what we want professionally, more opportunities for new business can be created.

The Law of Attraction’s concept is that you draw things through your thoughts, whether your mindset is positive or negative. These opportunities can be meeting new prospects by believing you can, or losing a client because you believe you’ve been struggling lately. A danger of succeeding with the Law of Attraction however can create an ego that makes you think anything can happen if you want it to. If you try to present yourself as something you are not, the fear of getting caught will affect your thoughts. To succeed in practicing this well, we need to keep our ego in check.

In order to survive in any type of business setting, you must thoroughly enjoy what you do. By believing in your business and being passionate about it, you can create some clarity, focus, and enthusiasm. It can keep you going when times get tough, and also help to spark solutions to any problems that may arise. Your passion will not only inspire you, but your colleagues and customers as well.

Look at successful people who dreamt big when everyone said they couldn’t succeed. When those people finally found success, others quickly accepted that their achievement was normal, and the accomplishment they once dreamt of now existed.
To gain success, we need to feel success. Our thoughts create our experience, and only do we find success if we can feel victory as well. Understanding that you can’t do it alone will keep your thoughts positive as well. Rely on coworkers, family, and friends. They can help to build the positive thoughts to create positive actions.

Succeeding in our professional lives takes a lot of hard work. Not everyone will find it, but the ones that do most definitely practiced the Law of Attraction. If you can see yourself being successful, and make yourself believe it is possible, you can reach it. Think about all of the success you have achieved to get to where you are now, and this will allow you to focuses forwardly on the future.

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