Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Characteristics All Entrepreneurs Need

Flickr CC via The Logo Smith
Anyone can start a business, but it’s how that business is nurtured and grown that really makes or breaks it. After looking at several successful (and not successful) entrepreneurs, it’s clear that there are a few distinguishing characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.

Check out Ken Lear's professional profile on his LinkedIn page to learn more about this business and leadership expert.


This is the most important quality of an entrepreneur – if you are not passionate about what you are doing, then why not work a normal 9-5 job? Figure out what your mission is when you create a new company and stick with it. This is what will drive you on days when you just don’t want to get out of bed.

The Openness to Learn

Just because you started your own business and are doing well, that doesn’t mean you know everything. Always be learning from those around you; whether they have had 50 years in the business or 2, a helpful tip can go a long way. Being an entrepreneur is not just a job – it’s a lifestyle. Be open to learning new things and trying out new ways to do business. is the personal side of Ken Lear. Head there for more leadership and entrepreneurship advice.


Any new business owner knows that the first couple of years can be tight – so learn how to make the most out of what you have. Does the intern you hired happen to be amazing at math? Have them help you balance the budget instead of just filing. Use the connections you’ve made in college and your career to get better deals on services or find the perfect employee for an open position.


We all know the saying “Rome was not built in a day,” and the same holds true for new businesses. There will be obstacles and there will be hard times; you just need to get through them. Think of your mission and why you started this in the first place. If 10 financial backers turn you down, don’t fret – you’ll eventually find at least one that won’t. It might take some tweaking and changes along the way, but it will happen. That’s the nature of a startup. Remember to be kind, keep in touch with people you meet and things will eventually come through if you continue to persevere.

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